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Don't Stress! Try Chiropractic Care for Stress Reduction

Written By Autera Health Center on August 2, 2018

“It’s not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.”

Hungarian born endocrinologist Hans Selye, famous for his scientific work on stress, points out that our reaction to life’s curveballs is ultimately detrimental.

What’s your reaction to stress? 

Your body reacts in just about every way possible. From an elevated heart rate to chemicals released from your adrenal glands, over time, stress can really damage your health. 

Chiropractic care for stress is a safe, non-invasive treatment option to consider if you’re one of the millions of Americans who suffer. Here’s why. 

What is Stress?

It’s important to understand what stress is and where it comes from before we dive in to how chiropractic care can help. 

So, what exactly is stress?

In the basic sense of the word, stress occurs when someone feels overwhelmed and overloaded with everyday demands. Those demands can come from work, relationships, finances, and whatever else you’re struggling to deal with. 

What you might not realize is that stress is actual the body’s natural defense to danger.  Ever heard of ‘fight of flight’? That’s the physical mechanism our body uses to protect ourselves. When in this state, your sympathetic nervous system (SNS) is stimulated, causing your heart to beat faster. 

With all that pressure on the body, it’s no wonder we seek solutions to alleviate our pain. And chiropractic care might just be the stress relief you’ve been longing for. 

How Chiropractic Care for Stress Works

Impulses from stress are rooted at the spine. With chronic stress, your muscles tense up which can lead to uneven pressure on the skeleton. 

A chiropractic adjustment will work with the spine to release that muscle tension, ease irritated spinal nerves, as well as improve your blood circulation. 

Remember that ‘fight or flight’ mechanism? 

These techniques a chiropractor will use can switch off that response.  

Your chiropractor might also suggest some life changes to coincide with their physical treatment. Rely on their expertise if they offer up nutrition tweaks, sleep recommendations, or book you a deep tissue massage. (Hey, no complaints there.) 

Dealing with the spine can be a scary thought, but a chiropractor is well trained with years of study and practice to perform the safest, most effective procedure to relieve your stress. 

Get Chiropractic Care for Stress in Peachtree City

Autera Health Center has been in business for over 20 years. Both Dr. Mathew Autera and Dr. Tiffany Terry provide a professional, courteous, and caring environment and are ready to provide you the best in chiropractic care for stress. Call us today at 770-487-5211.

Posted In: Chiropractic