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Whiplash Treatment: 7 Signs You May Have Whiplash and When to Seek Car Accident Treatment

Written By Autera Health Center on March 30, 2020

Whiplash Treatment at Autera Health CenterCar accidents can be scary, no matter their severity. The good news is that many people walk away from them with little physical damage. However, what most don’t realize is that it can take nearly 24 hours before symptoms of injury to really set in. This is especially true for those who suffer from whiplash, and if you don’t seek out whiplash treatment following a car accident, you can end up suffering from long term pain. 

Car Accident Treatment: 7 Signs You May Be Suffering from Whiplash

When it comes to car accident treatments, whiplash treatment is one of the most common things patients look for. It doesn’t matter the severity of the car accident; whiplash can happen to anyone. Whiplash is defined as a neck injury due to a forceful, rapid back-and-forth movement of the head and neck. 

Due to the adrenaline that floods the body following a car accident, many people do not realize that they’ve suffered from whiplash – at least not for a few hours or until the next day. It can be challenging to diagnose whiplash because many of the symptoms can result from other accidents or even daily stress.

Some of the most common signs of whiplash include:

  • Stiffness or pain in the neck
  • Pain when trying to crane your neck or move it from side to side
  • Headaches, particularly those that start at the base of the skull
  • Blurred vision
  • Tinnitus/ringing in the ears
  • Sleep disturbances following the accident
  • Pain/tenderness in the shoulders, upper back or in the arms

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms following an accident, then you need to seek out car accident treatment immediately. 

Whiplash Treatment at Autera Health Center

Whiplash treatment can help to get your pain under control following a car accident. If you or someone you love are seeking whiplash treatment, then don’t wait until the pain gets bad. Seek attention as soon as possible. 

Get the treatment you need with Autera Health Center’s team of talented professionals. Call our office at (770)487-5211 or use our easy online form to schedule your consultation today and get the car accident treatment you need in a timely manner.

Posted In: Auto Injury Chiropractic Whiplash Alternative Pain Treatment Whiplash Treatment