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How a Chiropractor Can Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Written By Autera Health Center on March 31, 2024

a man with carpal tunnel syndrome

If you have tried rest, ice, and medication for your carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms without any luck, a chiropractor can help. At Autera Health Center, our chiropractor Dr. Matt Autera has over 25 years of experience treating repetitive stress and overuse injuries, sports injuries, and work injuries in Peachtree City, GA. We can assess the extent of your carpal tunnel symptoms and design a personalized treatment plan that relieves pain and improves your quality of life.  

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care promotes the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Dr. Autera will focus on soft tissue therapies and manual therapies that relieve pain and improve mobility and range of motion in your wrists, hands, and fingers. Chiropractic adjustments can improve spinal alignment and relieve pressure on your vertebrae, wrists, and hands. Manipulation of your limbs can reduce pressure on the median nerve and reduce pain and inflammation while improving circulation. 

Therapeutic Massage 

Therapeutic massage can relieve stress and tension and stimulate the release of natural, painkilling hormones throughout the body. Massage therapy can also improve the range of motion of your limbs and joints so that it’s easier for you to move your wrists, hands, and fingers.

Exercise Therapy

Exercise therapy can strengthen the muscles that support your bones, spine, and joints. With regular exercise, you will be healthier overall and may experience reduced stress on your joints, tendons, ligaments, and nerves. 

Lifestyle Modification and Workplace Ergonomics

Dr. Autera will also recommend changes you can make in your home and lifestyle to improve your symptoms and reduce discomfort. He may suggest changing your sleep habits or position, drinking more water, avoiding alcohol, changing your diet, modifying your daily activities and exercise routine, and practicing stress management techniques. He can also assist you with workplace ergonomics. Workplace ergonomics make your workday easier and relieve stress and tension caused by repetitive tasks. He may suggest an ergonomic keyboard, wrist pad, adjustable chair, monitor stand, or a sit/stand desk to support you during your recovery and reduce your risk of future pain.

Get Treatment for Your Carpal Tunnel in Peachtree City, GA

Visit Dr. Autera and his team at Autera Health Center to get treatment for your carpal tunnel syndrome in Peachtree City, GA. We can create a personalized, drug-free pain management plan that improves range of motion and function and allows you to resume your normal daily activities. Request an appointment to start your treatment. 

Posted In: Chiropractic